Samsung 2017年度香港傑出運動員選舉公眾投票
Samsung 2017 Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards Public Voting
由中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會(港協暨奧委會)主辦、康樂及文化事務署資助及三星電子香港有限公司連續第五年冠名贊助的「Samsung 2017年度香港傑出運動員選舉」公眾投票已進行得如火如荼。 本年度共有49個體育總會共133份提名表格,競逐六個獎項,其中「香港傑出運動員」、「香港傑出青少年運動員」、「香港最佳運動隊伍」及「香港最佳運動組合」四個項目會接受公眾投票。本會獲提名的運動員如下:
11. 吳玫薈  智障人士體育-乒乓
44. 梁仲仁  智障人士體育-乒乓
82. 香港女子乒乓球隊智障人士體育-乒乓 (隊員:黃家汶、吳玫薈、黃珮淇)
107. 溫偉樂 智障人士體育-乒乓
投票日期至2018年2月14日止,各位支持本會運動員的朋友,請立即到活動網頁 投票支持本會獲提名的運動員。每位成功投票人士均可自動參加幸運大抽獎,有機會贏取Samsung及Fitness First香港的產品,總值超過港幣70,000元 (推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:49888, 49889)。
Organized by the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (Federation), subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, together with the full support of Samsung Electronics H.K. Company, Limited as the Title Sponsor for the fifth consecutive year, the public voting of the “Samsung 2017 Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards” (Awards) is in full swing. This year, a total of 133 nominations were received from 49 National Sports Associations competing for the six Awards categories, of which four categories namely the “Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards”, “Hong Kong Junior Sports Stars Awards”, “Hong Kong Sports Stars Award for Team Only Sport”, and “Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards for Team Event” are opened for Hong Kong community to vote for their favourite athletes or team/s. The nominees of our Association are:
Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards:
11. NG Mui Wui, Sports for the Intellectually Disabled-Table Tennis 
Hong Kong Junior Sports Stars Awards:
44. LEUNG Chung Yan, Sports for the Intellectually Disabled-Table Tennis
Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards for Team Event:
82. Hong Kong Women’s Table Tennis Team, Sports for the Intellectually Disabled-Table Tennis (Team Members: WONG Ka Man, NG Mui Wui, WONG Pui Ki)
Hong Kong Most Promising Sports Stars Award (No Public Voting):
107. WAN Wai Lok, Sports for the Intellectually Disabled-Table Tennis
The Awards Presentation Ceremony would be held on 27 March 2018 in the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre where the winners of the six categories would receive their awards in the presence of Government officials, dignitaries of the community and the member associations of the Federation.
Show your support to our athletes by casting your vote to our nominees on the official website at from now until 14 February 2018. Each successful voter would automatically enter into the lucky draw and have a chance to win prizes sponsored by Samsung and Fitness First (Hong Kong) with a total value over HK$70,000 (Trade Promotion Competition Licence no.: 49888, 49889).