最新訓練班/比賽及活動安排 (7月14日)
Latest Training/Competitions/Activities Arrangement (14 Jul)

因應2019冠狀病毒病的最新情況,為配合政府防疫措施,減低傳染的風險,我們的本地訓練(於香港體育學院訓練的全職運動員除外)、活動和比賽會由7 月15日起暫停至另行通知。


In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, to support the government’s epidemic prevention measures and reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, all local training (except the full time athletes who trainat HKSI), activities and competitions will be suspended from 15 July until further notice.

Feel free to contact our staff if you have any enquiry.